A quest to create the best Tasmanian gin.

Meet the maker

Zenith Distillery is a boutique distillery located in the beautiful Tamar Valley, Tasmania. The love child of former metallurgist Matt Whittaker, Zenith Distillery was created after many travels overseas with Matt deciding that if he couldn't find his ideal gin anywhere in the world he would just have to create it himself.

After over 100 recipe trials and tribulations Matt finally found what he was looking for in a gin - balance. 

Using premium Tasmanian botanicals in conjunction with interesting additions like Japanese Yuzu, the finest Kyoto Matcha and local saffron his gins are tantalizingly smooth yet curious to the palate. Zenith's gin range is made up of a delightfully detailed and eminently classy selection all of which showcase Matt's attention to detail perfectly.

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